Solar Over Casa Blanca Canal Phases 2A & 2B
The project is Phase 2 of the communities continued efforts to reduce canal evaporation produce renewable energy, and conserve cultural lands by developing a second Canal Energy System (CES)
The project is Phase 2 of the Communities continued efforts to reduce canal evaporation, produce renewable energy, and conserve cultural lands by developing a second Canal Energy System (CES). Water Xience team completed the Scope of Work including a detailed feasibility study that served as the basis for the design. The project was divided into 2 logical reaches identified as Phase 2A and Phase 2B located west and east of interstate 10 (I-10). The two independent CES systems will serve as a demonstration for the planned full 16 mile expansion. Phase 2A west of the I-10 was designed to use domestic manufactured solar panels and electric components supported by Corten steel frames. Phase 2B east of the I-10 was designed to use foreign manufactured solar panels and electrical components supported by galvanized steel frames. Design included solar system modeling and optimizing, mechanical/structural design of support frames, foundation support design, electrical system transmission SES and appurtenances, civil and earthwork, and design. Canal alignment has some curvature so optimized design resulted in titled bay installation in straight reaches and compound tilted bays in curved areas for best solar collection band-width. Curved area installations required outboard placement of excess dirt materials from foundation installations to maintain O&M road widths. The design included approximately 2,556 solar panels arrayed on 57 steel frames spanning the 250 CFS Canal over a length of 2,835 feet. Frames are supported by 6 drilled shafts designed to be removable with standard district equipment. CES will generate approximately 1.31 MW DC nameplate power offset irrigation ground water pumping.
Sacaton, Arizona
WX Role in the Project
Solar Design and Implementation Consultant
Project Gallery